Tip #2 – Multiply numbers quick and easy

Posted: April 9, 2012 by vedicmathforkids in Tips and Tricks
Today’s tip is an elegant way of multiplying numbers  using a simple pattern.
For example 21×23=483
So how do you  get this?
We first write 23 below 21. We multiply vertically, that is,first we multiply 2 by 2 to get 4. We do the same for the other end, and multiply 1 by 3 to get 3. The middle is a bit complicated. We do two cross products and add them. In this case, we add the product of 2 by 3 to the product of 2 times 1. This is the middle digit. If the middle is greater than 10, 1 is added to the left.
Another example is 33 x 44.
First do it the Vedic way, and get an answer. Then do it the traditional way. The answer is in the video.
I’ll also be posting a practice worksheet that you can do. Check the answers on your calculators after you have done them. If you have any questions, email me at vedicmathforkids@gmail.com.

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